Saturday, September 18, 2010

Look of the day

Blouse: vintage (I 'bought' it yesterday here at Emma Loca. Loves.)
Velvet leggings: Rut mfl (in store now)
Boots: my favs oldies from Wal Mart

Forgot to snap a pic of myself yesterday. Could be because I looked like a bum trying to look fancy in red lipstick. Picture this: baggy jeans and a leotard top that's a bit too high rise for my oversized pants (you could literally see naked parts of my hips). And a sparkly necklace. Hahah. It sounds even more horrifying now that I'm typing it. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

On another note. I need to start practicing on my poses. I'll let this one slide for now, but seriously? A hand on my chin? What's that about? Maybe it's saying: "I might be vain but I'm still deep."

Yeah. That's it.

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