Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Last week I donated our entire collection of recyclables to the homeless man who scours through Västerlånggatan in search of bottles and cans. He was very thankful (I think. He can't really speak but he grunted and smiled) and I was happy I could make a good deed.

Today he shouted at me from the entrance door because he had found a wallet in the trash can outside, and he wanted me to have it. When I opened it I saw the ID and that it belonged to an employee of the Parliament, so I googled her up and gave her a call and she came running in, beyond happy. Turns out she was pick-pocketed when out on a lunch break earlier today. Sucks! But at least she got everything back, apart from cash, which -of course- had been stolen already.

Cell phones, wallets, cans.. I'm like Gamla Stan's own guardian angel! Haha!

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