Thursday, June 09, 2011

Home delivery service

One of my best friend's little sister is graduating from gymnasiet (Swedish high school) and she asked us months ago if we could please be in charge of finding her the perfect graduation dress.

Well of course!

Time passed and Elisabeth stopped by the shop last week to see what dress I had found her.

Eehm.. Oops? Sorry? I had honestly forgotten all about it, but thankfully there's nothing in this store if there's no pretty dresses so she soon found two different ones. A long elegant one for prom and a short flirty one for the day ceremony. Phew. So she reserved them and left them hanging here.

It turns out I'm not the only one with poor planning. She just called me saying that her graduation is tomorrow at 8 am and she has no way of getting to the shop today. So I'll have to carry her dresses with me after work while seeing friends and then go to her house late at night so she gets them before the big day. Now that's proper service! Midnight home delivery service, who does that?

I do that.

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