Saturday, April 30, 2011

What (not) to wear

One of those moments when I thank God for having my own little shop is on a day like this.

I got dressed in a hurry this morning, without a thought, and have to go from work to drinks and then clubbing. What do you do? You scour through every item that Emma Loca has to offer, of course!

I've spent the last fifteen minutes trying on different blouses but I think I'll just settle with something from my personal closet (yes, I have one back in the storage room)

Makes me wonder how it would look like if I gathered all of the clothes, shoes and bags I have scattered around basements in the greater Stockholm area. I bet I could fill Emma Loca two or three times. Kinda nauseating now that I think of it. I seriously need to have a garage sale.

Drowning in a sea of clothes

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