Thursday, September 16, 2010

A call from beyond

Oh my.

Today was a day of efficiency. I started this new blog, edited a few important things, took care of bills AND diverted all incoming phone calls from the shop to my personal cell phone. Why, you ask. Well, this last thing might have been a mistake. As some of you know, and you others will learn, I get lots of strange (to say the least) visitors and callers. But the shop's telephone line has been out of order for some time now and it's just not professional to not be able to receive phone calls.
I haven't missed having a phone here at all, since 90% of the callers are sellers or freaks, but I understand that I might be missing lots of important calls so I took care of it.
The first phone call I received was  from this man that had some bags to sell (?) I don't know for sure if that's what he was saying, he had to repeat it at least 7 times. He sounded all muffled, like talking from under a blanket or something. Yikes. And he also sounded very, very old. Like ancient old. Like this-must-be-a-practical-joke or this-man-must-really-be-at-least-100-years-old.
He wanted me to come to his house to see the bags. I'm afraid that the best case scenario involves him showing me his tea bags. Oh no mister, I've learnt my lesson since the last person that invited me to her house and then sent me a death threat. Remind me to tell that story some other time. It's quite amusing now in retrospect.

And that old man? Yeah well I didn't have the heart to say no all together. He's coming next week.

old man

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