Friday, August 26, 2011

Today's been a melancholic day. I've had a ton of work, people are going crazy over the clearance sale and I've even started to sell part of the inventory, decor etc.. Insane!

However, the day started with me visiting my friend Fanny (R.I.P) 's mother at her shop here in Gamla Stan. She called me yesterday saying she had a dress that Fanny wanted me to have and had set aside for me beofre she passed away. Knowing Fanny of course it fit perfectly and  was beyond beautiful. It's a turquoise and pink tuille and sequince dream! I think I'm wearing it on the shop's closing party next Friday. I know that would make her very happy. (Tack snälla Fanny, hoppas du hade en fin födelsedag igår. Tänkte på dig)

Even though I should be happy about how well the sales are going these days it makes me quite sad to see the place so empty.. I just wanna get it overwith at the same time I don't want anything to change. Weird.

Oh well, I better get used to the thought.

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